“I am very proud of Chief Beechams endorsement of my campaign for State Representative. He is clearly one of the most respected civil servants in our community and his support is very much appreciated.”
Kip Capley, Candidate for State Representative, District 71

I have been blessed to be raised with Christian, Conservative values. I witnessed my family taking all important decisions to God in prayer. He is the best consultant I know! AND his grace is free!
Campaigning is not easy nor are you promised a win. I prayed for weeks before I decided to answer two phone calls to say I would run. I believe in my heart, God has called me to serve the people of the 71st District. When things get tough, I pray a little harder and he always hears me.
I was blessed with this endorsement this past week. It is a rigorous selection process and I am beyond grateful for their confidence in me! I promise to work tirelessly to preserve our treasured values! Please keep those prayers going, my master is listening!
God Bless Each of You!
Kip Capley

A fantastic Reagan Day Dinner put on by the Wayne County Republican Party and the Wayne County Republican women yesterday evening. What a blessing it is to have leaders across our state such as Congressman Mark Green. I was privileged to work in his office and was mentored by nothing but the best. We are working everyday for you the people. Back on the trail!
God Bless
Kip Capley

I am Honored and Blessed with the endorsements and recognitions. The friendships and relationships that I have forged during this journey will be forever treasured. Please get out and vote! To keep our treasured values of District 71, we need a True Christian Conservative with experience at the state and federal level not just local. I am part of your community. You matter to me. Early voting began on July 15 and continues through July 30. The last day to vote in this primary is August 4th. The polls will close that day at 7:00 PM.
We have a team of volunteers to assist getting you to the polls. Please give us a call so we can make sure your voice and vote are counted!
God Bless You
Kip Capley for State Representative

P.O BOX 461
PHONE: (931) 922-1143